The Key Educational Trust (KET) is a young and ambitious multi-academy trust currently comprising of first and middle schools. Schools joining the trust will connect to a family of other schools sharing similar core values and a collaborative approach to learning.
The KET provides access to each school’s unique and innovative resources, approaches, experts and services. These range from leadership, teaching for learning and curriculum expertise through to full finance, HR and wider support through the KET or a range of partners working with us.
Schools within the Trust strive to be caring, nurturing and supportive of everyone’s wellbeing from the youngest child in Nursery to the oldest pupil in Year 8. This commitment extends to each member of their staff, irrespective of role or stage of career.
The Trust has Christian beliefs at its heart and, as well as encouraging mutual respect amongst children, looks outward to its links with both the church and the wider community.
At the heart of the KET are its trustees/directors. They have been carefully selected from the member schools, local leaders of education, churches and the wider education and business sector. They help guard and promote the vision that the KET shares with its family of schools.
Our Mission
To ensure each child achieves challenging, personal goals and reaches their potential through the provision of an excellent broad and balanced curriculum for all learners which is underpinned by the Christian foundation of the schools.
Our mission is to help every child to expand their horizons, build confidence and acquire the knowledge and skills to enable them to succeed as they prepare for the move to their next schools.
Our Vision
To enable all children to achieve their best, reach their potential and contribute fully to society through creating an environment which stimulates, challenges and instils a love of lifelong learning and which is enhanced through the promotion of our Christian Values.
We believe every young person deserves the best possible start in life – a first class education aimed at helping the children in KET schools become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
Our Christian Values
The Trust aims to embody the following Christian values:
Koinonia (Community), Trust, Honesty, Forgiveness, Friendship, Thankfulness, Compassion
Our Christian values ensure that all members of the school community are valued and respected equally irrespective of gender, race belief and ability in all they do.
Our Goals as a Trust
Key Educational Trust
Old Road
ST15 8JD
01785 334900
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