Teaching and Learning

The Key Educational Trust endeavours to ensure that its academies provide the highest quality learning opportunities for all.

This is supported by a rigorous and relentless focus on quality first teaching with the result that children enjoy ever-improving standards of attainment and progress.

The academies provide a broad, balanced, inclusive and rich curriculum that is designed to enable children to acquire the knowledge and skills children need to succeed in life. They are also encouraged to explore their own values and beliefs from a broadly Christian perspective whilst respecting and valuing those from different faiths and backgrounds.

All the academies in the Trust cultivate a calm and safe learning environment.

An inclusive Trust

The Key Educational Trust is a truly inclusive organisation and is non-selective in its admissions policy. Each academy values the unique abilities and achievements of all children and seeks to develop a culture of respect, responsibility and readiness in all aspects of school life. All children are entitled to receive a balanced and integrated curriculum. Through the wholehearted support of this entitlement the need for teaching to be fully inclusive is constantly reinforced.

Developing individual staff

The Key Educational Trust believes that the most valuable resources a school can have are its staff whatever their role. Recruitment of high-quality staff and the professional development of existing staff is central to developing a culture of ambition and expectation in each school. Each member of staff supports the academy improvement agenda through exercising leadership in the discharge of their role.

The physical environment

We believe that all children and staff at The Key Educational Trust academies deserve to learn and work in a well-maintained and attractive physical environment.